March is endometriosis awareness month so I thought I would share a post about it. I am aware it is now April, but it was mid-March when I started writing! I am not a professional, and everyone is different so…
Outdoor moments I enjoy
Happy Easter Sunday (if that’s something you celebrate!). Today I am hosting Natalie from Let’s Take A Moment on my blog. She is sharing outdoor moments she enjoys which is fitting since there’s such lovely weather here in the UK….
How to cope with calories on menus
I am completely enraged that the government have decided to make it mandatory for calories to be on menus. It is the absolute wrong decision and will cause nothing but harm. Since my last post on calories on menus, so…
How to cope with your mental health at university
Today’s post is by Aisling from Plane Beauty about coping with your mental health at university. My mental health took a bit of a bad turn last semester so I definitely appreciate the importance of this post. Aisling is a…
5 simple things that boost my mood instantly
Welcome back to my blog! I haven’t hosted a guest post in a while so this is exciting. I’m really happy to have B back on my blog, she previously guest posted for me which you can read here. I’m…
6 tips to improve your sleep
Sleep is something that I have always struggled with and only in the last few months have I managed to find some kind of sleep routine. A little disclaimer first, I take sleep medication and have done for almost 3…
How to create a cosy hygge corner
Since it’s Autumn, now is the perfect time to create a cosy hygge corner! Autumn is my favourite season because I love being all snuggled up with my blanket whilst it’s raining outside. Ever since I discovered Hygge earlier this…
Things that have brought me joy recently
Today’s blog post is a slightly different type of post, but if you are following me on Instagram you might know that I haven’t been feeling so good recently. My mental health has gone downhill and I’m finding it really…
The importance of positive affirmations during recovery
During recovery, whether that is recovering from an injury, an eating disorder or anything else, it is really important to believe in yourself. It is very natural to doubt yourself when you start trying to recover because it seems like…
How to find yourself again after a depressive episode
Today’s post is a guest post by the amazing Nons Mshengu all about finding yourself again after a depressive episode. This feels really relevant to me at the moment and I loved reading this post, so I hope you will…
Things you shouldn’t say to someone who self-harms
Self-harm is a very serious topic and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. If a loved one tells you they self-harm, it can be hard to know what to say. If you are reading this and are supporting someone, I…
11 Autumn self-care ideas
Sometimes the colder weather can lead to us not prioritizing self-care. It’s important that you don’t let this happen as it can really derail your mental health. I love Autumn and this time of year, but this isn’t the same…