Today’s post is a guest post by the amazing Nons Mshengu all about finding yourself again after a depressive episode. This feels really relevant to me at the moment and I loved reading this post, so I hope you will too! Nons is a self-care and self-improvement blogger who runs Cher Belle. She is a 22-year-old digital creative who loves to inspire others to be the best versions of themselves.
As someone who has struggled with depression from a young age, I have faced my fair share of depressive episodes. As well as the period of loss and confusion that comes afterwards. It can be so tough mentally to not only do everything you used to do before your depressive episode but even tougher to feel like yourself afterwards. What I have learned over the years is that there’s no one way to heal after a depressive episode. Nor is there a right way to heal. But there are a few things you can do that can help restore balance and joy back into your life.
Allow Yourself Time To Heal From Your Depressive Period
Getting back to a functional place in your life will take time. Give yourself grace and allow yourself time to take as long as you need. There is no timeline to when you will find moments of happiness again. Depression doesn’t just take away your mental and emotional normalcy, but also physically. You won’t immediately snap back to having energy and doing all your daily tasks with ease, you won’t immediately want to go out with friends and you won’t immediately want to take up your hobbies again and that’s okay. You have to be patient with yourself and treat yourself with tenderness, you will eventually fulfil all your emotional and physical desires again.
Do One Small Thing That Makes You Feel Good
The purpose of doing a small thing for yourself is that you can slowly start to fill up your own cup again. Whatever small thing that would usually make you smile, incorporate it into your weekly routine. If you love flowers, buy yourself some flowers you can have in your space so it brightens your mood. Suppose you love to cook or bake, try a new recipe that you think you’d like. If you love to listen to music, listen to a great playlist that will uplift you, make you dance and make you feel affirmed! I have a great self-care playlist that you can listen to when you need something to lift your mood. There are many other small things you can do such as going for a walk in a beautiful garden or the beach, writing in your journal to let those negative emotions out or painting something silly to get your creative juices flowing
Related post: How my bullet journal helped my mental health
Slowly Start To Let People Back In Your Life
Something I struggle the most with after a depressive episode is letting people back into my life. Whenever I am depressed, I shut people out and isolate myself. I choose to deal with my episodes alone and often to the detriment of my other personal relationships. What I have learned is that the people that love you will always want to help you and it’s okay to let them help you. Extend boundaries so that you feel comfortable, but let people know that you are okay and include your closest people in your healing journey. Invite your friend to go on a walk with you, you don’t have to talk but sometimes they just want to be there and you need to know you are supported. So, find ways to let them know you value them in your life without compromising your own healing journey.
Create A New Daily Routine
Routines are the best way to create order and productivity back in your life. Having a consistent routine that makes you feel good and most importantly at peace is what’s going to keep you going. Morning routines and night routines are the most important and usually, are the glue that keeps us together. Your morning routine doesn’t have to be those super Instagram-worthy routines, but make it personal to you and your needs. I have my non-negotiable three that I always do in the morning which are: make my bed, write in my gratitude journal and then make myself a delicious vanilla iced latte. These three things are non-negotiable because they make me feel good and make my morning peaceful so I actually, look forward to starting my day. So find those things that you feel good about and make sure they are part of your morning routine.
What I truly want for you to take away from this post is that you are going to heal after your depressive episode. You will find moments of happiness and laughter again and you will slowly start to feel like yourself again. Remember that you are valued and important. Your life is worth everything to someone and everything will get better.
Thank you so much to Nons for writing this brilliant post, you can find her on social media below:
If you are going through a tough time, remember that you can call a helpline:
- Mind
- Samaritans β call 116 123
- Text SHOUT to 85258
Best wishes, Cx
Hello, I love Non’s blog!! This is such a great post! Thanks for sharing. It’s really important to ping back after a depressive episode and try get back to a happier place. Alicia
Thank you for reading x
I absolutely loved writing this, Caroline. Thank you for having me on your amazing blog!
Thank you so much for this post xx
This post will be so helpful to so many people who are really struggling to know what to do next. You have shared some really helpful tips that people can start practising now. Thank you for sharing this post Caroline.
Lauren – bournemouthgirl
Thank you Lauren x
Thanks for this guest post Caroline, it’s so important to remember that progress isn’t linear
Definitely x
Great guest post!
I love the advice about small steps. It’s so true. Doing something you enjoy or buying a small item which can transform your mood, works wonders.
Definitely! x
Awesome tips! I like the idea of creating a new routine. Starting fresh is always good to get back to normal again and find ourselves again.
Yeah π
Thank you for this. I am so ready to heal from a long bout of situational depression but have been stalled a bit even though I’ve made good progress. This was very useful and I’m going to give your advice a go as it fits in with the things I’ve been doing (a routine has been amazing for me personally).
I feel you xx
i love the honesty and informative suggestions in this guest post!! i’m so glad this is being shared because i feel like so many people can benefit from this read. thanks for sharing.
Thank you B xx
I love these actionable and step by step tips, especially the second one as doing something that makes me feel good, no matter how small it is, always helps get my confidence back up. π
Me too x
I love Cher Belle! This is such a great post – and definitely one I can relate to. Starting slow and reintroducing things you enjoy little by little really helps me feel better if I’ve been low x
mia //
Me too x
I like this post because it speaks truth. You need to let people back in and offload.
A very helpful post which Iβm sure will benefit many. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Jodie x
This post was so helpful! Creating a new daily routine is one of the things that usually help me the most π
Same x
Can definitely relate have been in this depression state a few weeks ago, not myself completely yet. But Iβve been doing small things that I enjoy doing and just living one day at a time!
I feel you xx
I struggle with depression on an on and off again basis thank you so much for this post, It is really helpful π
I hope you feel better x
I love this post so much and Nons and her blog! I can relate to this 100%! I’ve been feeling so down the past few months and am feeling a bit better but still have a long way to go. Changing my routine has helped me so much! x
Lynn |
I feel you x
I think having a really good support team is really important. You know that you can depend on them to help you.
I agree x
These are such useful and helpful tips. Thanks so much for sharing this valuable information
Thank you x
These are fab tips. I think allowing ourselves to heal is very crucial. Also, it’s amazing how much doing the things that make us happy can make us feel much better.
Definitely x
Such a great guest post. These are great tips, I’ve not been in the best place with my MH lately, especially with my depression so this has been helpful to read.
Thank you, I hope you feel better soon xx