How is it already the end of the month? I am so not ready for it to be May, as it is the month of assignments & exams, which I am far from prepared for. However, before the end of the month wraps up, I have an exciting collaboration coming up with a brand I have featured before! Look out for that this week 🙂 Enough rambling, let’s get started with some of the May wildlife to spot in the UK. April has been a month of butterfly spotting for me. I saw all the ones which are out at the moment, which is super exciting. This included Orange Tip, Brimstone, Peacock, Holly Blue, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Comma, Small White and Large White. I wonder which I will see in May!
Featured photo by Maiken Ingvordsen on Unsplash
As it gets towards the end of spring, more butterflies are coming out with the abundance of flowers and warmer weather.
Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
The Adonis Blue is a beautiful blue butterfly, with the first brood seen in May and June. It lays its eggs on Horseshoe-vetch and prefers chalk grassland. They like the warmer parts of the chalk grassland, especially when there’s short grass so that they are closer to the warm ground.
Clouded Yellow (Colia croceus)
The Clouded Yellow butterfly origionates in The Mediteranean, but migrates to Britain in the summer. Their highest survival rate is in Dorset and Devon, as they are closest to the sea, and the first place they get to. Some years, butterflies have been known to stay all year round in Dorset. Mainly, they are seen from May to October, and they lays their eggs on Clover and Lucerne. The adult butterflies are found on Vetches, Thistles, Knapweeds, Marjoram, Fleabane and Dandelion.
Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina)
The Duke of Burgundy is a very rare butterfly and is extinct in some parts of the UK. This is mainly due to the loss of habitat, but it is also very specific in the available habitats. They are found in warm parts of chalk grassland or open ancient woodland. The caterpillar food plants are Cowslip and Primrose and they are seen in May and early June.
Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas)
The Small Copper is found across Europe, including Britain. The first brood is over April and May, with a couple more from July to October. Like a lot of other butterflies, they like warmth in limestone, heath and sometimes gardens. They also like rough wasteland, well-drained places and old quarries. The caterpillar food plant Sheep’s Sorrel and Common Sorrel.
Other butterflies found in May:
- Green-veined White
- Orange-tip
- Peacock
- Pearl-bordered fritillary
- Green Hairstreak
- Large White
- Brimstone
- Red Admiral
- Small Tortoiseshell
- Holly Blue
Continue reading: May wildlife to spot in the UK
Nothing screams May like Peoonies do – I’ve started to see them in flower shops already!
Pansies are so beautiful and I’m so glad they are flowering now! They used to be my favourite flower when I was younger, I distinctly remember planting some with my mum. Pansies are perfect for whatever type of garden you have because they do well in pots & straight into the soil.
We’ve got a heather bush in my garden at home and the Holly Blues LOVE it! In the picture on the right, you should be able to see a Holly Blue – its wings are closed, so it looks ruffled, but it’s there.
Other butterflies found in May:
- Roses
- Lilac
- Magnolia
- Delphiniums
- Irises
- Hawthorn
That wraps up what May wildlife to spot in the UK! I didn’t include birds this month because most of the ones I said in previous months are out now too. Let me know which you spot 🙂
Best wishes, Cx
Lucy says
I can’t believe we’re almost through with April, how quick has it gone?! I loved reading about the different wildlife we’ll be seeing in May x
Lucy |
Lauren says
I know this year is going so fast isn’t it! There is so much wildlife around in May. I didn’t realise there are so many different butterflies. Thank you for sharing Caroline.
Sarah says
How fast is April going!? Love this wildlife post and I’d forgotten (how!) it’s going to be peony time!
Wendy says
Such pretty flowers and butterflies. So different than what we have in Arizona!
Ira says
Such an interesting and exquisite sights in May to come in UK. Especially loved those species of butterflies! Thanks for sharing xx
Simona says
You have been getting me very excited about butterflies! And peonies – some of my absolute favourite flowers xx
Mind Beauty Simplicity says
this month truly flew by! excited May is finally here in a few days. I’ll be having peonies in my wedding bouquet 🙂
Lisa says
Ah, what a lovely post, Caroline. I’ve seen a few butterflies although not as many as you! And our peonies aren’t out yet either so fingers crossed for May!
Kelly Diane says
I’ve definitely seen more butterflies this month, although not as much as you. I’ve also seen quite a few bees as well which always makes me happy knowing summer is on its way.
Nic | Nic's Adventures says
Thanks for sharing, I can’t quite believe April is over, I have spotted an Orange tipped Butterfly the other week, they are lovely, I hope I see a few more 🙂
Caroline says
Aww yay!
ellegracedeveson says
I throughly enjoyed reading this lovely and I’ll certainly will be keeping my eye out for these! I especially love the butterfly’s, they are SO beautiful. I can’t wait to see all the amazing flowers bloom over the next few months! The times going so fast isn’t it? Thank you so much for sharing Xo
Elle –
Caroline says
I agree x
Karalee Shotola says
I hope your assignments & exams go well!
I will have to keep an eye out for the butterflies & also my partner’s mother has a garden home & I’ve noticed more & more flowers are starting to bloom
Caroline says
Thank you x