Up until I read The Future We Choose, I didn’t fully understand the impact tree planting could have. As more and more companies use tree planting as their only green initiative, I started to become a bit dubious of them. Brands were using trees to offset their emissions and that didn’t feel good to me. I guess it is better than not doing anything, but planting 1 tree isn’t enough. One baby tree does not equal the amount of emissions you emit into the atmosphere from buying a product.
However, when I read The Future We Choose, I read a chapter on tree planting. It helped me to remember the importance of trees and the positive impact of tree planting. We shouldn’t only be planting trees as a way to ease our guilt, we should be doing it anyway.
This ties in nicely with the latest post for the Climate Change Collective by Michelle, on microforests.
Microforests – A tiny idea with big potential by Boomer Eco Crusader
Michelle shares the history and benefits of microforests. She discovered a Tiny Forest initiative in her region which was a fundraiser for Bereaved Families of Ontario. A tree is such a lovely idea to have in memory of loved ones.
I haven’t heard of a microforest before but it is a “dense tiny forest with high biodiversity.” It involves planting a variety of native trees in patches, commonly in urban areas. There are so many benefits to microforests, including environmental, social and economic benefits.
Since reading Michelle’s post and The Future We Choose, I have wanted to do something. I had a search on the internet and found a local climate youth group which I am looking forward to joining. At the welcome fayre during fresher’s week, I was speaking to the sustainability team, and I’m hoping to join that as well. We are meeting next week, so I hope to find some local like-minded people. There isn’t a Tiny Forest initiative near me, but I am going to suggest it to these two groups and see if we can start a tree-planting scheme in my town.
Continue reading: The impact of tree planting – Climate Change Collective
Impacts of tree planting
There are many benefits of tree planting, including environmental, social and economic.
Environmental benefits of tree planting
Did you know that there are 900 million hectares of land available for planting trees without interfering with agriculture or human habitation? (Bastin et al., 2019). If we planted trees on all of the land available, once they were mature, they would absorb 75% of the CO2 that has been released into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution.
Other benefits of tree planting:
- Clean the air – trees photosynthesis, but also filter out dust and particles to clean the air. Green roofs and houseplants have similar effects.
- Reduce temperatures by up to 10 degrees Celsius
- Reduce soil erosion – trees keep soil in place with their roots, and they absorb water which reduces flooding.
- Biodiversity – provides habitats and food sources to birds, small mammals and insects.
Social/Economic benefits of tree planting
- Reduce energy costs – trees bring the temperature down and shade buildings so no need to have air-con on.
- Trees and green spaces are known to help our mental and physical health.
- Establish a sense of community.
- Improving air quality improves health conditions and reduces medication costs.
Make sure you read Michelle’s post and stay tuned for the next Climate Change Collective post.
Caroline ♡
Alison says
I feel like reducing soil erosion is an underrated value of trees. It’s so important! I’m glad it’s on your list.
I hope the two groups you found work out for you and you all can find a way to plant some trees together. That sounds like a fantastic opportunity!
Caroline says
Definitely, thank you Alison x
Lisa's Notebook says
Tree planting in cities is becoming part of most urban planning criteria. The benefits are massive, reducing the temperatures in our concrete jungles by up to 10 degrees, as well as absorbing the CO2. Lovely post, Caroline, good luck with your groups! x
Caroline says
Thank you
Fadima Mooneira says
I like the idea of microforest. Even in Malaysia now, most companies and government organizations are doing tree planting.
Molly | Transatlantic Notes says
This is a great reminder that we need to back any tree planting projects that seek to do some good for the environment because trees are quite literally vital for the health of the planet. I know some brands/organizations do the bare minimum sometimes, but as you point out, the microforest initiatives are such a great way to actively help out. Great post!
Caroline says
Definitely x
Karalee says
I read Michelle’s post, and it was insightful as I haven’t heard of microforests either. Also, I hope you can plant trees with the two groups! There are so many benefits to planting trees as you have highlighted!
Caroline says
Thank you x
Lucy says
It’s so important to take part in any tree planting project, trees are so vital for the planet! x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
Corinne says
Oh thanks for this. I see tree planting a lot but it’s nice to know exactly how good it is!
Corinne x
Baby Boomer Super Saver says
Trees are so important for the planet (and for us!), I am happy to hear about microforest initiatives. At the rate we are losing rainforests, every tree planted helps.
JamieAdStories says
I learned a lot from this as well as Michelle’s post. I feel reassured that tree planting is beneficial and glad I haven’t cut back my tree out front. I do hate when celebrities simply plant a tree to offset flying though. They should be planting microforests.
Caroline says
Charity says
I loved reading all about the microforest! I learned a lot from reading this post. Thanks so much for sharing!
Caroline says
Thank you Charity x